Jul 25, 2024

Bearing Each Other's Burdens: Liberia Ebola Response Part 2

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This week, hear more spiritual insight from people who served in Liberia during the Ebola response 10 years ago. Kristy Graham, host of On the Ground with Samaritan’s Purse, spoke with John Freyler and Dr. Lance Plyler about how they were able to encourage each other through the hard times with the truth of Scripture. They learned how to bear each other’s burdens as they witnessed the deadly disease spread rapidly.

John Freyler, who serves as a member care chaplain, reflected on this response and shared 2 Corinthians 1:8-11, verses that became a lifeline for him. John talked about how important it was for him and the team to continue holding onto Scripture and spending time in prayer. This was a time in John’s life where day after day, it was challenging to trust God.

“He took us to the end of ourselves so that we would rely on God. And at the end of the day, that's all we had, but that's all we needed.”—John Freyler

Dr. Lance Plyler, the chief medical officer at Samaritan's Purse, talked about what it was like to go from studying Ebola to treating the disease. He described it as surreal. He remembers living in fear and constantly checking to see if he had a fever. One portion of Scripture that gave him the strength to keep going was Psalm 91.

“It was a time that I never want to go back to, but I wouldn't trade it for the world because it just drew me so much closer to the Lord.”—Dr. Lance Plyler

Each day was a battle even just to get out of bed. These two men were not only friends, but they were also roommates during this response. Dr. Lance Plyler talks about how he could have never made it through if it weren't for John. They didn't know what was ahead, but they knew that they had each other, and they had the God's Word. John reminds listeners that if we are in Christ, He is not only with us, He is in us.

“I knew deep down God is in control. God is doing something here. I don't know what, but he's in control. He's sovereign.”—John Freyler

God used an experimental treatment called ZMapp to bring Dr. Kent Brantley, a Samaritan’s Purse team member who contracted Ebola, to a miraculous recovery. Dr. Lance Plyler was amazed as he had never seen a person survive after being that far into sepsis.

“God is a God that never changes. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. And the same God of the Bible that performed so many miracles, He performed, again, another miracle that I witnessed with my own eyes.”—Dr. Lance Plyler

To close, Kristy gives a devotional to encourage listeners that they can not only survive hard times, but thrive. Kristy challenges listeners to seek God's Word, seek Godly fellowship, and to make time for rest. Ultimately, it is only with the Lord’s help that we can find joy in the darkness.

If you’d like to keep up to date with more stories from On the Ground, please visit SamaritansPurse.org.