Jul 18, 2024

Remembering the Liberia Ebola Response: 10 Years Later

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This month marks the 10-year anniversary of the Samaritan’s Purse Ebola response in Liberia. Kristy Graham, host of On the Ground with Samaritan’s Purse, sat down with some of our staff who fought the deadly disease from the beginning. Though circumstances were extremely difficult, they reflect on God’s faithfulness during the darkest moments.

Karen Daniels, a nurse, recounts what it was like to fight Ebola. As cases spread across Liberia, the Samaritan’s Purse team was stretched to their limit. Karen told the story about a woman who greatly impacted her. She was in poor condition, unable to keep any food or fluids down. When she was about to give up hope, Karen told her to sing. The next day when Karen came back into the unit, the woman had turned the corner.

“She said, ‘I sang. I sang, and Jesus came and healed me.’ We'd see that happen even in the midst of all the horror we saw. God showed up, not always the way you wanted him to, but she survived. And those things would happen and that would just kind of keep you going.”—Karen Daniels

Things were at their bleakest when two beloved members of the team, Dr. Kent Brantley and Nancy Writebol, contracted Ebola. Kendell Kauffeldt, the country director in Liberia during this response, talked with Kristy about what it was like to share this devastating news with the team. Every day felt like a battle, but the team continued to point one another to Scripture.

“[Psalm 91] just highlights His presence, His protection, His provision for us.”—Kendell Kauffeldt“

Dr. Brantley’s condition continued to decline until, one night, he crashed. The team gathered to pray for Dr. Brantley. Karen recounts that night and how the series of events that unfolded were clearly and intentionally orchestrated by God.

Looking back, Karen can see God's faithfulness through this response. She shared one of her life verses from Psalm 27, which helped her see the goodness of God during those dark times. A year after leaving Liberia, Karen was able to return with a cleft lip and palate surgical team. Then, in 2017, Samaritan’s Purse started the cataract program, and the very first cohort of patients were Ebola survivors. Karen was one of the first to go. Both experiences were a powerful picture of redemption for her.

“And I just thought, how like God to take something that had left me so brokenhearted and such an impact on my career and to bring me forward through a circle. But to see that I had gone from something that had such devastation to be able to continue to help survivors.”—Karen Daniels

If you’d like to keep up to date with more stories from On the Ground, please visit SamaritansPurse.org