Dec 13, 2021

The Headlines: Devastating Tornado Outbreak

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Late Friday evening, dozens of tornadoes ripped through eight states. The news broke on Saturday morning that families lost loved ones, homes were flattened, and communities were devastated.

Samaritan’s Purse has deployed U.S. Disaster Relief teams in northeastern Arkansas and Mayfield, Kentucky, to help those whose lives have been torn apart by these recent tornadoes.

Kristy Graham takes you straight to the epicenter of the action as our teams are mobilizing volunteers to tarp roofs, clear debris, and share God’s love. She hears from Luther Harrison, the vice president of North American Ministries, as he explains how the ministry is responding.

“Our staff were on the ground less than 24 hours from the tornado—trying to identify church partners,” Luther shared on the podcast. “It’s a blessing that that our anchor is always the local church. We want to come alongside them and hold their arms up.”

Early Saturday morning, disaster response specialists deployed to Arkansas, Illinois, Kentucky and Tennessee.

Kristy also had the chance to hear from Brady, a Samaritan’s Purse photographer who is in Mayfield, Kentucky, with our disaster relief teams. As he stood in the rubble, he shared the overwhelming feeling that many are facing.

“There is a range of emotions,” Brady explains. “It’s not only heartbreak, but little moments of realization that they still have parts of their lives. These buildings are reduced to rubble, but it’s amazing to see everyone out here working together.”

Please continue to pray for all who have been affected by these tornadoes, families who have lost loved ones, and for our teams on the ground.