Sep 12, 2024

Finding Treasure in the Field

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Samaritan’s Purse U.S. Disaster Relief ministry always works through the local church. Once our disaster relief vehicles leave, the Church remains. Time and time again, we see disasters leave the Church stronger than ever before. Kristy Graham, host of On the Ground with Samaritan’s Purse, spoke to Jeremy Zerkle about witnessing the church rise up in the wake of disaster.

“There's ministry that the Lord's been doing in that community well before the disaster happened, well before we got there, and also well after we leave.”—Jeremy Zerkle

North American Ministries prayerfully considers which churches they partner with when a disaster strikes. Ultimately, the churches are the hope of Jesus Christ in that community, and U.S. Disaster Relief comes to lift up the arms of the church. Jeremy shares a portion of Scripture that talks about how we can support each other.

Earlier this year, Samaritan’s Purse responded to a storm that hit Rock Hill, South Carolina. Jeremy discussed what it was like to come alongside the church community there. The pastor of Oakdale Baptist was enthusiastic and seeking out opportunities to strengthen their church. This disaster and all disasters are not distractions from ministry—they are opportunities for ministry. Communities in which this pastor had never been to were now fertile soil for the Gospel.

Kristy asked Jeremy how he encourages pastors in these disaster-stricken communities to take action instead of lingering in the hurt and disappointment. A parable from Matthew 13—one that has stuck with Jeremy through the years—provided the framework for this.

“There's gospel opportunities in those fields of crisis, of moments when you can't see in the moment. You're not sure. You walk on this field and you can't find it. You have no idea it's even there, but there is treasure there.”—Jeremy Zerkle

Jeremy has watched teams of volunteers grow in their faith as they lock arms in service. Volunteers are empowered in technical skill but also in ministry. If we are in Christ, the Holy Spirit lives in us; therefore, it is our job to be a minister for the Gospel. Jeremy has heard countless stories of how the Lord has placed the right volunteer at the right job site. Only God can orchestrate these divine appointments.

“I think that only strengthens our volunteers when they go back, and it's like, okay, I didn't just do stuff with my hands, the Lord's doing something in my own heart.”—Jeremy Zerkle

Please pray for our ongoing disaster relief in Texas. Pray that volunteers and staff would continue to use disasters as ministry opportunities. If you’d like to keep up to date with more stories from On the Ground, please visit